CBF Campeonato Brasileiro Ranking 1971-1999

Percentage Performance

Some people believe that the fairest method for ranking clubs is dividing 
the number of points won by the total number of points disputed, according
to the formula PP%=(Pts/PD)x100.


1. Highest number of points conquered
2. Highest number of wins
3. Best Goal Difference
4. Highest number of goals scored


ST   - State
PP%  - Percentage Performance -> PP%=(Pts/PD)x100
Pts  - Points conquered
PD   - Points Disputed
P    - Played
W    - Wins
D    - Draws
L    - Losses
GF   - Goals For
GA   - Goals Against
Dif  - Goal Difference
Pa   - Participations

Considering the CBF punctuation criteria through the years and according to
the formula shown above, here are the current (end of 1999) standings:

    CLUB            ST    PP%  Pts   PD    P    W   D   L   GF  GA  Dif  Pa

  1-Palmeiras       SP  61,16  877 1434  624  296 187 141  923 555  368  28
  2-Ferrovi�ria     SP  60,00   24   40   20    9   6   5   27  22    5   1
  3-Internacional   RS  59,15  886 1498  657  292 198 167  892 595  297  29
  4-Santo Andr�     SP  57,50   23   40   20    8   7   5   25  19    6   1
  5-Atl�tico        MG  57,25  896 1565  663  295 205 163  939 640  299  29
  6-Flamengo        RJ  57,03  856 1501  662  292 187 183  919 666  253  29
  7-Santos          SP  55,88  798 1428  632  259 198 175  846 637  209  28
  8-S�o Paulo       SP  55,69  856 1537  653  284 206 163  958 629  329  28
  9-Gr�mio          RS  55,68  823 1478  647  281 182 184  832 639  193  28
 10-Vasco           RJ  55,43  868 1566  663  281 214 168  957 647  310  29
 11-Corinthians     SP  55,20  870 1576  663  286 210 167  858 629  229  28
 12-Botafogo        SP  55,07  114  207   92   38  21  33  130 116   14   5
 13-Guarani         SP  55,04  661 1201  518  214 160 144  685 522  163  23
 14-Cruzeiro        MG  54,06  819 1515  637  263 205 169  862 637  225  29
 15-Caldense        MG  53,13   17   32   16    7   3   6   15  15    0   1
 16-Botafogo        RJ  52,66  722 1371  607  232 186 189  766 673   93  29
 17-Ponte Preta     SP  51,56  298  578  233   98  69  66  305 230   75  11
 18-Bangu           RJ  51,25  184  359  160   62  48  50  191 161   30   9
 19-Oper�rio        MS  50,85  209  411  176   76  47  53  206 182   24  10
 20-Coritiba        PR  50,29  526 1046  455  176 124 155  511 490   21  21
 21-S�o Jos�        SP  50,00   35   70   35   10  15  10   27  31   -4   2
 22-Campo Grande    RJ  50,00   31   62   31   11   9  11   32  33   -1   2
 23-Pinheiros       PR  50,00   31   62   31    8  15   8   30  28    2   2
 24-S�o Bento       SP  50,00   10   20   10    4   2   4   13  22   -9   1
 25-Itumbiara       GO  50,00    9   18    9    4   1   4   11  11    0   1
 26-Francana        SP  50,00    7   14    7    3   1   3    7   9   -2   1
 27-Portuguesa      SP  49,92  646 1294  559  194 182 183  672 617   55  26
 28-Paran�          PR  49,73  181  364  156   49  46  61  181 201  -20   7
 29-Fluminense      RJ  48,72  648 1330  570  212 172 186  697 599   98  27
 30-Sport           PE  48,23  599 1242  537  187 158 192  588 599  -11  26
 31-Atl�tico        PR  48,17  448  930  409  133 132 144  474 465    9  21
 32-XV Ja�          SP  47,62   20   42   21    6   8   7   25  30   -5   2
 33-Santa Cruz      PE  47,13  394  836  358  120 124 114  446 442    4  17
 34-Bahia           BA  47,02  616 1310  563  185 195 183  603 622  -19  27
 35-Juventude       RS  47,00  196  417  163   51  54  58  170 200  -30   8
 36-ASA             AL  46,88   15   32   16    6   3   7   18  28  -10   1
 37-Inter-SM        RS  46,43   13   28   14    4   5   5   16  24   -8   1
 38-Colorado        PR  46,24   86  186   84   33  19  32   93  94   -1   5
 39-Maranh�o        MA  46,00   23   50   25    8   7  10   24  35  -11   2
 40-Bragantino      SP  45,80  229  500  203   67  67  69  228 255  -27   9
 41-Goi�s           GO  45,59  537 1178  492  158 162 172  561 575  -14  24
 42-Internacional   SP  44,76   94  210  105   29  36  40   96 115  -19   7
 43-Vit�ria         BA  44,60  545 1222  504  167 149 188  548 654 -106  24
 44-Atl�tico        GO  44,53   57  128   64   19  19  26   64  78  -14   4
 45-Novo Hamburgo   RS  44,44    8   18    9    2   4   3    4   7   -3   1
 46-Am�rica         RJ  43,94  348  792  342  115 105 122  376 377   -1  16
 47-Joinville       SC  43,57  166  381  174   54  56  64  181 202  -21  11
 48-N�utico         PE  42,93  395  920  422  138 106 178  479 541  -62  22
 49-Olaria          RJ  42,55   40   94   47   12  16  19   44  51   -7   2
 50-Le�nico         BA  42,11   32   76   38   13   6  19   42  50   -8   2
 51-Cear�           CE  42,08  271  644  292   90  86 116  296 357  -61  15
 52-Brasil          RS  41,95   73  174   78   24  25  29   87  99  -12   4
 53-Remo            PA  41,94  234  558  244   76  68 100  265 304  -39  13
 54-Anapolina       GO  41,41   53  128   56   19  15  22   59  72  -13   4
 55-Maring�         PR  41,28   71  172   67   24  17  26   85  83    2   4
 56-Comercial       MS  40,63  104  256  113   33  37  43  116 145  -29   6
 57-Londrina        PR  40,39  103  255   99   38  22  39  122 126   -4   6
 58-Tiradentes      PI  40,37   88  218   99   29  28  42   80 130  -50   5
 59-Caxias          RS  39,91   85  213   74   25  27  22   90  73   17   4
 60-Gama            DF  39,82   45  113   46   13  12  21   51  74  -23   3
 61-Crici�ma        SC  39,55  174  440  173   51  50  72  184 217  -33   9
 62-Botafogo        PB  39,13  108  276  113   37  29  47  129 166  -37   7
 63-Central         PE  39,06   25   64   32    7  11  14   30  47  -17   2
 64-Oper�rio        PR  38,89    7   18    9    3   1   5    4  13   -9   1
 65-Potiguar        RN  38,89    7   18    9    2   3   4    5  10   -5   1
 66-Oper�rio        MT  38,75   31   80   40   10  11  19   39  68  -29   3
 67-Fortaleza       CE  38,39  172  448  195   51  65  79  182 256  -74  12
 68-Mixto           MT  38,31  100  261  115   34  28  53  126 177  -51   8
 69-Am�rica         MG  38,20  191  500  210   53  74  83  206 251  -45  11
 70-Uberl�ndia      MG  37,84   56  148   65   19  18  28   69  83  -14   4
 71-Vila Nova       GO  37,00   84  227   99   27  28  44   96 138  -42   7
 72-Villa Nova      MG  36,76   50  136   58   20   9  29   52  77  -25   3
 73-Uberaba         MG  36,76   68  185   71   21  23  27   71  78   -7   6
 74-CSA             AL  36,24  162  447  195   52  55  88  189 255  -66  12
 75-Desportiva      ES  35,93  166  462  199   56  50  93  164 275 -111  12
 76-Tuna Luso       PA  35,71   20   56   28    7   6  15   26  49  -23   3
 77-S�o Paulo       RS  35,48   22   62   31    6  10  15   23  47  -24   3
 78-Rio Negro       AM  35,32   77  218   96   21  33  42   69 120  -51   6
 79-Paysandu        PA  35,18  216  614  268   62  84 122  262 395 -133  16
 80-CEUB            DF  34,51   49  142   63   15  18  30   51  76  -25   3
 81-ABC             RN  34,04   96  282  119   30  33  56  121 162  -41   7
 82-Am�rica         RN  33,94  188  554  217   53  65  99  225 336 -111  13
 83-Comercial       SP  33,77   26   77   29    8   9  12   25  34   -9   2
 84-Nacional        AM  33,71  180  534  236   52  74 110  203 330 -127  14
 85-Figueirense     SC  33,47   80  239   94   20  37  37   76 114  -38   5
 86-CRB             AL  33,43  112  335  143   33  40  70  130 212  -82   9
 87-Noroeste        SP  33,33   23   69   23    9   5   9   21  31  -10   1
 88-Auto Esporte    PI  33,33    6   18    9    3   0   6   10  19   -9   1
 89-Rio Branco      ES  32,87   71  216   94   23  25  46   78 136  -58   7
 90-XV Piracicaba   SP  32,79   40  122   44   12  13  19   44  49   -5   3
 91-Americano       RJ  31,74   73  230   83   22  25  36   66 108  -42   7
 92-Vit�ria         ES  31,11   14   45   15    5   3   7   13  30  -17   1
 93-Treze           PB  30,84   70  227  101   24  22  55   84 167  -83   8
 94-Sobradinho      DF  30,77   16   52   26    5   6  15   21  46  -25   1
 95-Goytacaz        RJ  30,53   40  131   46   13  11  22   39  56  -17   3
 96-Am�rica         SP  30,43   21   69   25    8   3  14   27  35   -8   2
 97-Gal�cia         BA  30,43   14   46   23    5   4  14   17  36  -19   2
 98-Bras�lia        DF  30,29   63  208   88   23  17  48   73 148  -75   7
 99-Volta Redonda   RJ  30,00   45  150   50   12  17  21   42  64  -22   3
100-Ferrovi�rio     CE  30,00   39  130   65   11  17  37   51 116  -65   6
101-Corumbaense     MS  29,55   13   44   22    4   5  13   16  37  -21   1
102-Itabuna         BA  28,79   19   66   25    6   6  13   23  38  -15   2
103-Dom Bosco       MT  28,57   40  140   52   13  12  27   58  92  -34   3
104-Campinense      PB  28,29   43  152   59   13  16  30   52  96  -44   4
105-Ava�            SC  28,24   37  131   53   11  12  30   41  72  -31   4
106-Sampaio Correia MA  28,09   75  267  112   18  35  59   90 190 -100   8
107-Juventus        SP  27,78    5   18    9    1   3   5    7  13   -6   1
108-Colatina        ES  27,78    5   18    9    1   3   5    2   9   -7   1
109-Uni�o S�o Jo�o  SP  27,73   61  220   86   17  23  46   83 137  -54   4
110-Confian�a       SE  27,50   44  160   59   16  10  33   50  97  -47   5
111-Itabaiana       SE  27,05   33  122   61   14   5  42   41 111  -70   5
112-Goi�nia         GO  26,95   38  141   50   12  12  26   52  89  -37   4
113-Fast            AM  25,83   31  120   43   11   7  25   43  86  -43   3
114-Moto Clube      MA  25,45   57  224   97   13  31  53   60 156  -96   7
115-Flamengo        PI  25,13   48  191   74   12  23  39   48 106  -58   5
116-Chapecoense     SC  25,00   18   72   27    5   8  14   19  38  -19   2
117-Alecrim         RN  25,00    5   20   10    1   3   6    7  15   -8   1
118-Fluminense      BA  24,24   24   99   36    6  11  19   21  45  -24   3
119-R�ver           PI  24,14   35  145   57   10  14  33   53 110  -57   5
120-Piau�           PI  23,68    9   38   19    1   7  11   14  41  -27   2
121-Sergipe         SE  22,69   81  357  155   24  32  99  103 269 -166   9
122-Taguatinga      DF  12,50    2   16    8    1   0   7    7  21  -14   1
123-Catuense        BA  12,50    2   16    8    0   2   6    4  16  -12   1
124-Guar�           DF  12,50    2   16    8    0   2   6    2  14  -12   1

Note: Colorado and Pinheiros merged into Paran� in 1990.

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Fernando Matta for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation and
RSSSF Brasil

Author: Fernando Matta (matta@unisys.com.br)
Last updated: 10 Aug 2000

(C) Copyright Fernando Matta, RSSSF and RSSSF Brazil 1999/2000
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.