Ceará - Feminino - 2021


09/out/21 15:30 Fortaleza 3-0 Guarany de Sobral
10/out/21 15:30 São Gonçalo-ce 1-5 Menina Olímpica
10/out/21 15:30 Ceará 7-0 Tianguá
16/out/21 15:00 Guarany de Sobral 0-7 Ceará
17/out/21 15:00 Tianguá 3-3 São Gonçalo-ce
18/out/21 15:00 Menina Olímpica 0-2 Fortaleza
24/out/21 15:30 São Gonçalo-ce 2-4 Guarany de Sobral
24/out/21 15:30 Menina Olímpica 7-2 Tianguá
25/out/21 15:00 Ceará 1-0 Fortaleza
31/out/21 15:00 Ceará 3-1 Menina Olímpica
31/out/21 15:00 Fortaleza 10-0 São Gonçalo-ce
03/nov/21 15:00 Guarany de Sobral 3-0 Tianguá
07/nov/21 15:00 Guarany de Sobral 0-2 Menina Olímpica
07/nov/21 15:00 Tianguá 0-9 Fortaleza
07/nov/21 15:00 São Gonçalo-ce 0-7 Ceará


16/nov/21 15:00 Guarany de Sobral 0-4 Ceará
16/nov/21 15:00 Menina Olímpica 1-4 Fortaleza
26/nov/21 15:00 Ceará 8-0 Guarany de Sobral
26/nov/21 15:00 Fortaleza 0-1 Menina Olímpica


01/dez/21 15:00 Fortaleza 1-2 Ceará
05/dez/21 09:00 Ceará 3-3 Fortaleza



About this document

Prepared and maintained by Moacir Dalpiaz de Souza for the Rec.Sport.Soccer StatisticsFoundation and RSSSF Brazil

Author: Moacir Dalpiaz de Souza (moacirfutpr@gmail.com)
Last updated: 15 sep 2024

(C) Copyright Moacir Dalpiaz de Souza, RSSSF and RSSSF Brazil 2024
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.