Brazil 2001 Cup

Espírito Santo Qualifying Tournament

CACHOEIRO Futebol Clube (Cachoeiro do Itapemirim)
ESTRELA DO NORTE Futebol Clube (Cachoeiro do Itapemirim)
LINHARES Esporte Clube (Linhares)
RIO BRANCO Atlético Clube (Cariacica)
Sociedade Esportiva SANTA MARIA (Santa Maria de Jetibá) [*]
Centro Educativo e Recreativo Associação Atlética SÃO MATEUS (São Mateus)
Grêmio Esportivo SERRA (Serra)
VITÓRIA Futebol Clube (Vitória)

[*] plays home matches in Itaguaçu

If the away team wins the first leg by 2 or more goals of difference, no second leg is played.

Associação DESPORTIVA Ferroviária (Cariacica) are already qualified for Copa do 
Brasil, as state champions 2000.

First Phase
bye: Linhares

[Feb 1]
Vitória           1-4  Riachuelo
  [Miguel; Evaldo, Mandi, Elias(2)]
[Feb 1 and 4]
Santa Maria       1-1   1-3  São Mateus
  [Marcelo Alves; Ronald]
  [Marcelinho; Malaquias, Biquinho(2)]
Rio Branco        0-1   3-3  Estrela do Norte
  [André Pimpolho]
  [Rômulo, Teté(2); André Pimpolho, Alexandre, Marcos Roberto]
[Feb 2 and 4]
Cachoeiro         2-1   1-0  Serra
  [André Biquinho(2); Morelato]

Second Phase
bye: São Mateus

[Feb 8 and 11]
Linhares          0-0   1-3  Riachuelo
  [Evilmar; Elias, Hudson, ??]
[Feb 9 and 11]
Cachoeiro         1-1   2-1  Estrela do Norte
  [Fábio Vigo; Carlinhos]
  [Valério, Samarone; Alexandre]

Third Phase
bye: Riachuelo

[Feb 15 and 18]
Cachoeiro        10-1   0-0  São Mateus
  [Valério(6), André Biquinho(3), Fábio Vigo; Pedro Paulo]


[Feb 21 and 24]
Cachoeiro         4-1   1-1  Riachuelo
  [André Biquinho(2), Fábio Vigo, Valério; Hudson]
  [Joãozinho; Hudson]

Cachoeiro qualified for 20001 Copa do Brasil

National competition

Announced participants
27 2000 State champions
25 Copa João Havelange Blue Module participants
Cruzeiro, Palmeiras, Vasco da Gama and São Caetano will be excluded due to their
participation in the Copa Libertadores
Others participants were invited at the discretion of CBF
Paraná Clube (Curitiba-PR) were excluded although it was first announced that
the two Yellow Module finalists (Paraná was the champion) would be included.

ABC FC (Natal-RN)                       SC Internacional (Porto Alegre-RS)
América FC (Belo Horizonte-MG)          Joinville EC (SC)
América FC (Natal-RN)                   EC Juventude (Caxias do Sul-RS)
Americano FC (Campos-RJ)                SER Juventude (Primavera do Leste-MT)
AA Anapolina (Anápolis-GO)              Olimpico Lagartense (Lagarto-SE)
ASA (Arapiraca-AL)                      Malutrom S/A (São José dos Pinhais-PR)
C Atlético Mineiro (Belo Horizonte-MG)  Mixto FC (Cuiabá-MT)
C Atlético Paranaense (Curitiba-PR)     Moto Club (São Luís-MA)
EC Bahia (Salvador-BA)                  Nacional FC (Manaus-AM)
AD Bandeirante (Brasília-DF)  (*)       C Náutico Capibaribe (Recife-PE)
Botafogo FC (João Pessoa-PB)            Operário FC (Campo Grande-MS)
Botafogo FR (Rio de Janeiro-RJ)         Palmas FR (TO)
Cachoeiro FC ( Itapemirim-ES)    Paysandu SC (Belém-PA)
Castanhal EC (PA)                       AA Ponte Preta (Campinas-SP)
SER Caxias (Caxias do Sul-RS)           A Portuguesa Desp. (São Paulo-SP)
Ceará SC (Fortaleza-CE)                 Clube do Remo (Belém-PA)
EC Comercial (Campo Grande-MS)          Rio Branco FC (AC)
SC Corinthians Paulista (São Paulo-SP)  A Rio Negro C (Boa Vista-RR)
Coritiba FC (Curitiba-PR)               River AC (Teresina-PI)
CSA (Maceió-AL)                         Sampaio Corrêa FC (São Luís-MA)
A Desportiva Ferroviária (Cariacica-ES) Santa Cruz FC (Recife-PE)
Figueirense FC (Florianópolis-SC)       Santos FC (Macapá, AP)
CR Flamengo (Rio de Janeiro-RJ)         Santos FC (SP)
EC Flamengo (Teresina-PI)               São Paulo FC (SP)
Fluminense FC (Rio de Janeiro-RJ)       São Raimundo EC (Manaus-AM)
Fortaleza EC (CE)                       CS Sergipe (Aracaju-SE)
SE Gama (Brasília-DF)                   Sport Club do Recife (PE)
Goiânia EC (GO)                         Treze FC (Campina Grande-PB)
Goiás EC (Goiânia-GO)                   URT (Patos de Minas-MG)
Grêmio FBPA (Porto Alegre-RS)           Vila Nova FC (Goiânia-GO)
Guajará EC (Guajará-Mirim-RO)           Villa Nova AC (Nova Lima-MG)
Guarani FC (Campinas-SP)                EC Vitória (Salvador-BA)

(*) Bandeirante declined to participate; Paraná Clube invited to replace.

Obs.: 1) In each match, the second mentioned team plays the 2nd leg in home.
      2) Away goal rule applied on all phases.

First Round 
[if the away team wins the 1st leg by 2 or more goals of difference, no 2nd leg is played]

 1 Ríver (PI) - Flamengo (RJ)      		0-2 (14/03)	n/p (22/03)
 2 Náutico (PE) - ABC (RN)	   		2-2 (04/04)	0-2 (11/04)
 3 URT (MG) - Mixto (MT)	   		2-1 (14/03)	0-2 (21/03)
 4 Comercial (MS) - Juventude (RS)		2-0 (14/03)	0-5 (21/03)
 5 Desportiva (ES) - Coritiba (PR) 		2-3 (14/03)	0-3 (29/03)
 6 Nacional (AM) - Paysandú (PA)		3-0 (14/03)	1-1 (21/03)
 7 Operário (MS) - Atlético (MG)		0-6 (21/03)	n/p (29/03)
 8 Americano (RJ) - Goiás (GO)			2-6 (14/03)	n/p (21/03)
 9 Cachoeiro (ES) - Fluminense (RJ)		0-1 (15/03) 	1-2 (21/03)
10 Malutrom (PR) - Juventude (MT)		1-0 (14/03)	0-4 (22/03)
11 Villa Nova (MG) - Grêmio (RS)		3-2 (14/03)	1-4 (21/03)
12 Lagartense (SE) - Santa Cruz (PE)		1-2 (04/04)	3-3 (11/04)
13 Guajará (RO) - Rio Branco (AC)		1-1 (14/03)	0-1 (21/03)
14 ASA (AL) - Vitória (BA)			1-2 (21/03)	1-2 (29/03)
15 Ceará (CE) - Paraná (PR)			3-1 (14/03)	2-2 (21/03)
16 Botafogo (PB) - São Paulo (SP)		0-1 (21/03)	0-10 (28/03)
17 Joinville (SC) - Corinthians (SP)		1-3 (21/03)	n/p (29/03)
18 Goiânia (GO) - América (MG)			1-1 (14/03)	1-0 (21/03)
19 CSA (AL) - Sport (PE)			3-4 (04/04)	1-0 (11/04)
20 Moto Clube (MA) - Flamengo (PI)		1-2 (14/03)	1-2 (22/03)
21 Figueirense (SC) - Portuguesa (SP)		2-3 (14/03)	1-2 (21/03)
22 Rio Negro (RR) - São Raimundo (AM)		1-2 (14/03)	0-6 (21/03)
23 Caxias (RS) - Guarani (SP)			0-1 (14/03)	1-4 (22/03)
24 Treze (PB) - Atlético (PR)			2-0 (15/03)	0-2 (22/03)  (2-3 on penalties)
25 Vila Nova (GO) - Internacional (RS)		3-3 (21/03)     1-3 (29/03)
26 Sampaio Corrêa (MA) - Fortaleza (CE)		0-2 (15/03)	n/p (22/03)
27 América (RN) - Bahia (BA)			1-4 (14/03)	n/p (22/03)
28 Anapolina (GO) - Santos (SP)			1-2 (14/03)	1-5 (21/03)
29 Sergipe (SE) - Botafogo (RJ)			2-3 (14/03)	1-2 (21/03)
30 Remo (PA) - Santos (AP)                      1-0 (14/03)     3-0 (22/03)
31 Palmas (TO) - Gama (DF)			0-0 (14/03)	0-2 (21/03)
32 Castanhal (PA) - Ponte Preta (SP)		0-1 (14/03)	1-8 (21/03)

Second Round
[if the away team wins the 1st leg by 2 or more goals of difference, no 2nd leg is played]

33 ABC - Flamengo				1-3 (18/04)	n/p (25/04)
34 Juventude (RS) - Mixto			3-0 (11/04)	1-1 (18/04)
35 Nacional - Coritiba				2-2 (11/04)	1-2 (18/04)
36 Goiás - Atlético (MG)			3-1 (11/04)	2-2 (18/04)
37 Juventude (MT) - Fluminense			4-1 (11/04)	0-3 (18/04)
38 Santa Cruz - Grêmio				1-0 (18/04)	1-3 (26/04)
39 Rio Branco - Vitória				0-0 (11/04)	0-3 (18/04)
40 Ceará - São Paulo				2-4 (11/04)	n/p (18/04)
41 Ponte Preta - Gama				0-0 (04/04)	2-0 (11/04)
42 Remo - Botafogo (RJ)				2-1 (04/04)	2-1 (11/04)
43 Bahia - Santos				2-0 (11/04)	2-0 (18/04)
44 Fortaleza - Internacional			1-0 (18/04)	0-0 (26/04)
45 Guarani - Atlético (PR)			0-2 (05/04)	n/p (11/04)
46 São Raimundo - Portuguesa			1-0 (04/04)	1-3 (11/04)
47 Flamengo (PI) - Sport			2-0 (18/04)	0-1 (26/04)
48 Goiânia - Corinthians			0-1 (04/04)	1-3 (12/04)

Third Round

49 Flamengo - Juventude (RS)		        2-1 (02/05)	1-2 (09/05)  (3-2 on penalties)
50 Goiás - Coritiba				1-1 (02/05)	3-4 (10/05)
51 Grêmio - Fluminense		         	1-0 (02/05)	0-0 (09/05)
52 São Paulo - Vitória		                3-0 (02/05)	2-0 (09/05)
53 Remo - Ponte Preta				3-2 (26/04)	1-4 (09/05)
54 Bahia - Fortaleza                            0-0 (03/05)     0-3 (09/05)
55 Atlético (PR) - Portuguesa		        3-1 (03/05)	1-1 (09/05)
56 Flamengo (PI) - Corinthians		   	1-8 (02/05)	0-3 (09/05)


57 Coritiba - Flamengo		 	 	3-2 (16/05)	1-1 (23/05)
58 Grêmio - São Paulo		 		2-1 (16/05)	4-3 (23/05)
59 Fortaleza - Ponte Preta		 	1-0 (16/05)	2-5 (23/05)
60 Corinthians - Atlético (PR)                  0-0 (17/05)     1-0 (23/05)


61 Grêmio - Coritiba		 		3-1 (30/05)	1-0 (06/06)
62 Ponte Preta - Corinthians                    0-2 (03/06)     0-3 (06/06)


   Grêmio - Corinthians		 		2-2 (10/06)	3-1 (13/06)

Grêmio FBPA wins the 2001 Copa do Brasil

Grêmio qualified to Taça Libertadores 2002.



list of champions

About this document

Thanks to Marcos Negreiros (;

Prepared and maintained by Paulo Torres, Ricardo Pontes and Marcelo Leme de Arruda for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation and RSSSF Brazil

Authors: Paulo Torres (, Ricardo Pontes ( and Marcelo Leme de Arruda (
Last updated: 03 Aug 2007

(C) Copyright Paulo Torres, Ricardo Pontes, Marcelo Leme de Arruda, RSSSF and RSSSF Brazil 2001/2007
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.