Rio de Janeiro State League (Campeonato Fluminense) 1941

BARRA MANSA Futebol Clube (Barra Mansa)
ESPERANÇA Futebol Clube (Nova Friburgo)
FLAMENGO Futebol Clube (São Gonçalo)
GOYTACAZ Futebol Clube (Campos)
ICARAÍ Futebol Clube (Niterói)
Esporte Clube INDEPENDENTES (Nova Iguaçu)
Esporte Clube INTERNACIONAL (Petrópolis)
RESENDE Futebol Clube (Resende)
RIACHUELO Esporte Clube (Paraíba do Sul)
ROYAL Sport Club (Barra do Piraí)
TAMOYO Esporte Clube (Cabo Frio)
TERESÓPOLIS Futebol Clube (Teresópolis)
YPIRANGA Futebol Clube (Macaé)

[Feb 1/1942]
Riachuelo	3-0	Independentes
Goytacaz	4-1	Ypiranga
C. Ferroviário	?-?	Royal [*]
[*] Central Ferroviário apparently withdrew from the championship; Royal classified to the
second phase.

[Feb 8/1942]
Ypiranga	1-0	Goytacaz
Internacional	4-1	Teresópolis
Independentes	4-1	Riachuelo [*]
Barra Mansa	?-?	Resende [**]
[*] The third match was not found; Riachuelo classified to the second phase.
[**] Resende apparently withdrew from the championship; Barra Mansa classified to the second

[Feb 22/1942]
Teresópolis	1-1	Internacional
Flamengo	0-7	Tamoyo
Goytacaz	1-1	Ypiranga [*]
[*] Points awarded to Ypiranga due to irregular players in Goytacaz.

[Mar 1/1942]
Tamoyo		?-?	Flamengo (winner: Tamoyo)
Internacional	?-?	Teresópolis (classified: Internacional)

[Feb 1/1942]
Esperança	0-1	Icaraí

[Feb 8/1942]
Icaraí		6-1	Esperança

[Feb 22/1942]
Royal		4-2	Barra Mansa

[Mar 1/1942]
Barra Mansa	3-3	Royal [*]
[*] Points awarded to Royal due to irregular players in Barra Mansa.

[Mar 8/1942]
Riachuelo	?-?	Internacional (winner: Riachuelo)
Ypiranga	?-?	Tamoyo (tie)

[Mar 15/1942]
Tamoyo		1-1	Ypiranga
Internacional	3-1	Riachuelo

[Mar 22/1942]
Ypiranga	4-1	Tamoyo
Riachuelo	?-?	Internacional (winner: Riachuelo)

[Mar 8/1942]
Icaraí		8-2	Royal

[Mar 15/1942]
Royal		5-5	Icaraí

[Mar 29/1942]
Icaraí		0-WO	Royal
Ypiranga	?-?	Riachuelo

[Apr 5/1942]
Riachuelo	3-1	Ypiranga

[Apr 12/1942]
Ypiranga	4-0	Riachuelo

[Apr 19/1942]
Ypiranga	?-?	Icaraí (winner: Icaraí)

[Apr 26/1942]
Niterói (Caio Martins)
Icaraí		7-1	Ypiranga
Icaraí: Alberto; Hélio e Maneco; Walter, Possato e Oscarino; Cicica, Clóvis, 
Henrique, Mical e Jaguarão.
Ypiranga: Neyber; Elimir e Antônio; Ormindo, Macaco e Arilado; Sinhô, Iziu, Dognay, 
Alfredo e Helbo.
Goals: Possato, Cicica (2), Henrique and Jaguarão (3) for Icaraí; Helbo for Ypiranga.
Referee: Agenor Martins de Oliveira

Champions: Icaraí F.C.



list of champions

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Auriel de Almeida for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation and RSSSF Brazil

Author: Auriel de Almeida (
Last updated: 28 May 2008

(C) Copyright Auriel de Almeida, RSSSF and RSSSF Brazil 2008
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.