Minas Gerais State Championship 2007 - Second Level (M�dulo II)

Participating Clubs:

ATL�TICO Clube Tr�s Cora��es (Tr�s Cora��es)
EXTREMA Futebol Clube (Extrema)
FORMIGA Esporte Clube (Formiga)
SOCIAL Futebol Clube (Coronel Fabriciano)
UBERABA Sport Club (Uberaba)
UBERL�NDIA Esporte Clube (Uberl�ndia)
Uni�o Recreativa dos Trabalhadores - URT (Patos de Minas)
VALERIODOCE Esporte Clube (Itabira)


ALFENENSE Futebol Clube (Alfenas) (invited as a replacement)
IDEAL Sport Club (Sete Lagoas) (invited as a replacement)
Esporte Clube MAMOR� (Patos de Minas)
Associa��o Atl�tica JUVENTUS Minasnovense (Minas Novas)
TOMBENSE Futebol Clube (Tombos)
Associa��o Uberlandense UNITRI (Uberl�ndia)

First Phase

Round 1
[Feb 11]
Extrema      0-3  URT
  [Ivan 25', Daniel 30', Hugo 48']
Social       0-1  Uberaba
Formiga      3-1  Uberl�ndia     att: 2.056
  [Gustavo 8'. Vin�cius Luna 43', Luiz Almeida 63'; Douglas 31']
Valeriodoce  1-0  Atl�tico
  [Vanderlei 41']

Round 2
[Feb 25]
Uberl�ndia   4-0  Extrema        att: 7.475
  [Deiviti 1', 39', Duda 32', Ledson 83']
URT          0-2  Valeriodoce    att: 1.543
  [Leandro 32', Wander 60'p]
Atl�tico     1-1  Social         att: 511    [annulled]
  [Bruno 66'; Jackson 85']
Uberaba      1-1  Formiga        att: 1.941
  [Marcos Alagoano 21'; Guiba 40']

Round 3
[Mar 4]
Extrema      4-0  Atl�tico       att: 582    [annulled]
  [Ronan 3' 89', Andrezinho 17', Chic�o 81']
Social       1-0  Uberl�ndia     att: 249    [played in Ipatinga]
  [Ricardo 69']
Valeriodoce  1-2  Uberaba        att: 1.914
  [Alex (own) 16'; Fabiano 10', Barrinha 89']
Formiga      1-0  URT            att: 2.252
  [Pereira 69']

Round 4
[Mar 11]
URT          1-0  Social         att: 673
  [Andr� Luiz 64']
Extrema      2-2  Uberaba        att: 532
  [Ga�cho 68', Panta 83'; Barrinha 77' 80']
Uberl�ndia   4-0  Valeriodoce    att: 5.210
  [Viola 39' 65', Tico 58', Deiviti 71']
Atl�tico     0-3  Formiga        att: 338    [annulled]
  [Adriano 2', Celso 84', Marquinho 88']

Round 5
[Mar 18]
URT          1-1  Uberl�ndia     att: 1.077
  [Yan 18'; �ndio 26']
Social       3-0  Formiga        att: 420
  [Alexandre Nunes 31', Euler 44' 62']
Uberaba      5-0  Atl�tico       att: 1.775  [annulled]
  [Barrinha 24', Marcos Alagoano 40', Cin�zio 56' 87', Alex 62']
Valeriodoce  2-0  Extrema        att: 1.115
  [Panta 7'og, �lder 32']

In the eve of the 6th round, Atl�tico Clube de Tr�s Cora��es has announced its withdrawal from the championship. 
Furthermore, their matches were annulled and the team declared relegated.

Round 6
[Mar 25]
Valeriodoce  0-0  Social         att: 1.701
Uberl�ndia   0-0  Uberaba        att: 9.199
Formiga      1-0  Extrema        att: 1.725
  [Ardiano 56']

Round 7
[Apr 1]
Extrema      1-4  Social         att: 342
  [Tim�teo 50'; Rodrigo Paulista 20', Alexandre Nunes 40', Luiz Eduardo 49' 79']
Formiga      1-1  Valeriodoce    att: 2.465
  [Adriano 26'; �ngelo 31']
Uberaba      5-2  URT            att: 2.080
  [Derlan 8' 36', Barrinha 18', Filh�o 56', Walderi 78'; Robson 4', Yan 64']

Round 8
[Apr 8]
URT          0-2  Uberaba        att: 719
  [Walderi 76', Fabr�cio Lima 84']
Valeriodoce  2-1  Formiga        att: 1.042
  [Lucas 13', Leandro 24'; Gustavo 53']
[Apr 9]
Social       2-1  Extrema        att: 670
  [Luiz Eduardo 44', Euler 69'; Tim�teo 63']

Round 9
[Apr 15]
Extrema      2-0  Formiga        att: 299
  [Tim�teo 6', Sandrinho 76']
Uberaba      2-1  Uberl�ndia     att: 6.001
  [Walderi 19', Filh�o 78'; Gil 79']
[Apr 16]
Social       2-1  Valeriodoce    att: 1.006
  [Luiz Eduardo 84', Neguinho 88'; Lu�s 30']

Round 10
[Apr 22]
Extrema      1-0  Valeriodoce    att: 365
  [Tim�teo 82']
Uberl�ndia   2-3  URT            att: 4.074
  [Deiviti 13', Gil 70'; Robson 34', Marquinhos 85', Yan 88']
Formiga      1-2  Social         att: 1.103
  [Marquinhos 52'; Luiz Eduardo 16', Euler 51']

Round 11
[Apr 29]
Social       1-1  URT            att: 429
  [Fernando 62'; Bruno Lopes 59']
Valeriodoce  3-2  Uberl�ndia     att: 1.201
  [Gil 25', Tiago Paiva 39'; Wander 42', Edgar 53', Ed�lson 80']
[May 1]
Uberaba      0-0  Extrema        att: 3.567

Round 12
[May 5]
URT          0-0  Formiga        att: 716
[May 6]
Uberl�ndia   4-1  Social         att: 2.621
  [Paulo Souza 3', Givanildo 39', G�lson Batata 71' 88'; Euler 6']
[May 7]
Uberaba      1-2  Valeriodoce    att: 2.425
  [Br�ulio (own) 4'; Br�ulio 56', J�lio 71']

Round 13
[May 13]
Formiga      0-1  Uberaba        att: 1.213
  [D�nis 28']
Valeriodoce  3-1  URT            att: 701
  [Carlos Eduardo 18', Leandro 61', Rodrigo Gama 88'; Yan 20']
Extrema      1-1  Uberl�ndia     att: 517
  [TIm�teo 35'; Rudson 87']

Round 14
[May 20]
Uberaba      1-0  Social         att: 1.402
  [Fernando 35']
URT          2-1  Extrema        att: 481
  [Bruno Lopes 39', Andr� 89'; Luiz Henrique 88']
Uberl�ndia   2-0  Formiga        att: 3.185
  [Tiago Paiva 65', Robert 73']

 1.Uberaba                 12  7  4  1  18- 9  25  Qualified
 2.Social                  12  6  2  4  16-12  20  Qualified
 3.Valeriodoce             12  6  2  4  17-15  20  Qualified
 4.Uberl�ndia              12  4  3  5  22-15  15  Qualified
 5.URT                     12  4  3  5  14-18  15  Qualified 
 6.Formiga                 12  3  3  6   9-15  12  Qualified
 7.Extrema                 12  2  3  7   9-21   9  Relegated
 8.Atl�tico (Tr�s Cora��es) -  -  -  -   -  -   -  Withdrew, relegated

Average attendances per game in first phase, discounting annulled matches:

 1.Uberl�ndia   4.615
 2.Uberaba      2.903
 3.Formiga      1.802
 4.Valeriodoce  1.279
 5.URT            868
 6.Social         543
 7.Extrema        456

Final Phase

Round 1
[May 27]
Uberl�ndia   0-0  Valeriodoce    att: 4.872
URT          2-0  Social         att: 818
  [Gustavo 44', Yan 66']
Formiga      2-1  Uberaba        att: 1.186
  [Guiba 32', Gustavo 68'; Alex 66']

Round 2
[Jun 3]
Valeriodoce  0-0  URT            att: 1.210
Uberaba      0-0  Uberl�ndia     att: 2.739
[Jun 4]
Social       2-2  Formiga

Round 3
[Jun 10]
Uberl�ndia    1-0  URT
Formiga       2-2  Valeriodoce
[Jun 11]
Social        0-0  Uberaba

Round 4
[Jun 17]
Uberl�ndia    2-3  Social
URT           2-2  Formiga
Uberaba       2-1  Valeriodoce

Round 5
[Jun 24]
Valeriodoce   1-2  Social
Formiga       2-0  Uberl�ndia
Uberaba       4-1  URT

Round 6
[Jul 1]
Uberl�ndia    0-1  Formiga
URT           2-1  Uberaba
[Jul 2]
Social        4-2  Valeriodoce

Round 7
[Jul 8]
Valeriodoce   0-0  Uberaba
Formiga       2-1  URT
[Jul 9]
Social        0-1  Uberl�ndia

Round 8
[Jul 15]
Valeriodoce   1-1  Formiga
URT           1-1  Uberl�ndia
Uberaba       1-1  Social

Round 9
[Jul 22]
Uberl�ndia    1-2  Uberaba
Formiga       1-2  Social
URT           1-2  Valeriodoce

Round 10
[Jul 20]
Valeriodoce   1-1  Uberl�ndia
[Jul 29]
Uberaba       2-0  Formiga
Social        1-0  URT

 1.Social                  10  5  3  2  15-12  18 Champions, promoted
 2.Uberaba                 10  4  4  2  13- 8  16 Promoted
 3.Formiga                 10  4  4  2  15-13  16
 4.Uberl�ndia              10  2  4  4   7-10  10
 5.URT                     10  2  3  5   3-10   9
 6.Valeriodoce             10  1  6  3   6-10   9


2006 (1st Level)

2006 (3rd Level)

2006 (State Trophy)


list of 2nd level champions

About this document

Prepared and maintained by V�tor Rodrigo Dias and Daniel Dalence for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation and RSSSF Brazil

Author: V�tor Rodrigo Dias (vitor.dias@terra.com.br) and Daniel Dalence (danielballack@hotmail.com)
Last updated: 11 Jul 2008

(C) Copyright V�tor Rodrigo Dias, Daniel Dalence, RSSSF and RSSSF Brazil 2007
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.